Saturday, February 23, 2019

January Empties

I thought I would try something new and write up an empties post. I like seeing these from other people to get an idea of what did and didn't work throughout a given month. Also, I'm a slob and a hoarder. This allows me to tap into that latent characteristic of mine. For ease, I divided this into subsections: hair care, bath and body, cleansers, makeup, and miscellaneous.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Walmart Beauty Kits: A Long Winded Review. a.k.a. “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.” ― Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt

Alright kids, this is going to be a doozy, you uh, you might want to grab your coffee for this one. I'm sure I've stated on more than one occasion how much I hate stepping into Walmart. I just don't have the patience anymore for the lines, the crowds, the people asking me how pregnant I am and me being forced to explain I'm not pregnant, it's just baby weight. They don't need to know the baby is 9 months old. And then after such exchanges I just end up wasting a shit load more on apple cider and chocolate or frozen pizza bites as comfort food. Not worth it.

Last weekend though, the planets aligned and suddenly it was worth it. I was skulking through My Subscription Addiction one day and I stumbled across a post announcing Walmart would have beauty boxes. "Oh ha ha, that's great, are these the usually $5 boxes that are mostly foil packets and forgettable?" "No bitch, but that was cute. Remember that money you were promising yourself you wouldn't spend? Mine now. Let's roll." ...And so it goes. There were numerous other kits, these just happen to be the two that caught my attention.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

December 2018 Birchbox Review

Birchbox is a $10 monthly subscription that offers 5 (sometimes more) skincare, hair care and beauty samples in a cute little box that will contribute to further clutter and hoarding in your home. Birchbox likes to focus on mid-range and prestige brands so their samples are often on the smaller side. If an increased fire hazard sounds like a great idea to you, here’s a referral link. December’s box was one of the better boxes I’ve had in a while:

Friday, February 1, 2019

November 2018 Play! by Sephora

Play! by Sephora is a $10 monthly subscription that delivers sample sized skincare, hair care and makeup right to your doorstep. The best part about Sephora’s subscription box is that all items can be found either in store or online. Sephora also sends out 50 bonus Beauty Insider points to be redeemed with purchase either in store or online with each box. These points typically expire by the end of the following month.

November’s box contained: